
How do we know that water fluoridation strengthens teeth?

Scientific studies in Australian and overseas consistently report reduced tooth decay in children and adults who drink fluoridated water. The 2002 Australian Child Dental Health Survey examined more than 136,000 children across Australia, and specifically recorded whether they drank fluoridated water or not. The survey found that no matter which state or territory children came from, what age group they were from, whether they were rich or poor, or whether they lived in the capital city or regionally or remotely, children who drank fluoridated water had significantly less tooth decay than children who didn't.

A major 2012 Australian study analysed all studies published worldwide from 1990-2010, in any language, which reported the effects of water fluoridation. The authors found 59 studies from 10 countries, yielding 83 separate evaluations into the effectiveness of water fluoridation (30 for primary teeth and 53 for permanent teeth). Thirteen of the studies were conducted in Australia. Every one of these 59 studies without exception showed a significant reduction in tooth decay from water fluoridation, with most showing reductions of around 20-60%. It is important to note that fillings have a limited life span, and are regularly replaced or repaired. Preventing one permanent tooth cavity in a child may prevent not just one cavity, but a whole lifetime of treatment on that tooth, with each successive treatment becoming larger, more complex and more expensive.

More recent Australian research based on the National Survey of Adult Oral Health 2004-06 confirmed that adults living in fluoridated areas also experience much less tooth decay, even when they grew up without fluoridated water or fluoride toothpaste. Water fluoridation benefits all Australians.

Could I be allergic or sensitive to fluoride in drinking water?

No. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the Council of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology have both stated that "there is no evidence of allergy or intolerance to fluoride as used in the fluoridation of water supplies".

But most people already use fluoride toothpaste. Is water fluoridation still needed?

Yes. Dentists strongly recommend fluoride toothpastes to reduce tooth decay, and water fluoridation provides an additional benefit.